About Me

My early studies in creative arts, dreamwork, energy healing and nutrition led me to pursue a career in holistic psychotherapy. While earning my bachelor's degree (BA) from Sarah Lawrence College, I concentrated on psychology, both individual and cultural. My graduate work focused on clinical practice with children and families and I earned my Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from Fordham University. Professionally, my experience includes groupwork with every age group from school-aged children to senior citizens, community organizing, crisis intervention, as well as individual and family counseling. I currently specialize in helping people who are experiencing stress due to a major transition in their lives, i.e. college students, adolescents, or adults in career or family transition.
About Infinity Wellness
I created the Infinity Wellness concept in 1999, in an effort illustrate the different aspects of Self that are constantly interacting. I thought it was important to break down these separate operations, so that one could literally perform a wellness checklist. Each item on the list contributes to the holistic health of an individual. A disturbance in one tends to unsettle the whole.
Originally, I conceived of 8 aspects (thus I chose "infinity" to represent both boundless potential and also an 8 on its side). However, upon further reflection, I added a 9th aspect that seemed too important to dismiss - Financial. Certainly a lack in this area contributes to a unsettled self. The 9 Aspects of Self
- Creative
- Emotional
- Financial
- Mental
- Physical
- Political
- Sexual
- Social
- Spiritual
Anxiety, or uneasiness can stem from a lack of attention to any one of these aspects of the self. When all one's personal facets are respected and attended to, health, balance and piece of mind are easier to attain.